Its my turn to post! This time its about our latest cooking session a few days back. The ribeye sold that day in NTUC was freaking and I mean freaking thick. The thickness is good as this means its easier and tastier to do it medium rare. Was i excited? Yes i freaking was. In the end, the beef turned out well and it was damn nice.

 Jeannette prep the fish mostly by herself! and she really is getting better at it. ;)(Her knife skills sucks the first time :p *sorry baby*) Anyways HER SCRAMBLED EGGS IS LEGITLY GOOOD. Like im so proud to say it was me that taught her and she has like done it better than me. It seriously taste as good as it looks :) okay I should probably stop here before I sound biased :P Have a great summer guys and enjoy the video!

In this vast world
Many uncertainties has plagued the mind

So lost and certainly so undefined
Only to have met you and your kind
Real as we feel, troubles still a brew
Rome wasn't built in a day yet we will stay
Yearning for the blossom of our labour despite what comes may.


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