Prawning at Orto

Prawning in Singapore is probably the last to do on our list of dates. The last time I remembered prawning was during my NS cohesion days where everyone got a free rod for attending cohesion.

Although I am genuinely interested in prawning, I guess I really suck at it. Thankfully, Jeannette is kinda good at it so yeah we make a good team. Of course she is only good due to the controversial fact that I am her teacher :D(helping her put baits and guiding her thoroughly)

Nonetheless after some getting some of Jeannette's necessity, we decided to give Orto a try. So having been to the old one at Khatib, I would say Orto does really outperform all the previous prawning places I have been in terms of both ambiance and prawns. Prawn were fresh, ambience was good especially when you dine there.

So we opted for the free bait which is chicken heart. I know it sounds weird but prawns eat chicken heart haha. So yeah we paid a total of $30 for 2 hours. We were so tempted to get 3 hours cause it was $36 for 3 hours but because of time constraint we stuck with 2 hours.

Before we knew it we had our eager eyes on the floating tip, waiting for it to sink. [signals the prawn has been hooked] The thing about prawning is when you get a prawn fast, you will attribute that to the way you put the bait, the way you flicked your wrist and etc.

Yeap and sure enough it went well! We had a record 3 prawns in like 10 minutes. Jeannette had extraordinary beginners luck, she caught 2 prawns in like 5 minutes. So proud of my baby ^^. I caught only a small one? 
Before we knew it, our beginner's luck broke down and we spent most of our time waiting and getting excited over false hooks by the prawns. Oh speaking of excitement, this girl was seriously SUPER excited when she caught her first prawn. She was like screaming and jumping for joy, like how a 10 year old receive a big present on Christmas. 

No prizes for guessing how many prawns we caught in the end. We caught a total of 7 prawns, which comes up to about $4.30 a prawn. Much better compared to my previous prawning, which came up to $10 a prawn. So today prawning was considered a success! 

After our prawning, we ate at the nearby cafe that served western, Singapore and Malaysia food. It was called SG.MY, probably the laziest and most uncreative name for a bistro bar. Surprisingly, the food was good and decent and so was the ambiance.


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