We woke up quite late on day 3 and surprisingly the cab was okay to go by meter! #hopeforbkkcabdrivers We reached roast at around 12pm and there was a small queue because the cafe was so packed. The cafe is neatly tucked away in an area which houses various bars, pubs and other cafes and desserts. You can find Afteryou dessert as well!

Very relaxing ambience

Jeannette ordered the seafood truffle pasta while I ordered the pulled pork burger. The dishes were great and fresh. You can tell that they use fresh ingredients and take pride in their cooking. Personally, the essence of good food is fresh ingredients cooked in the most basic way and that is what Roast cafe does. We ordered fries as well which was fried, freezes and refried upon order, this method simply just retains its flavour and keeps the insides moist.

Caught pigging out 

Coffee art

Truffle Pasta

One of the best brunch I have had

After our awesome brunch, we decided to try the nearby Afteryou dessert cafe. We ordered the nutella shibuya toast and it was really orgasm in the mouth. Highly recommended by D & J.

Honey that comes with it

Nutella toast alive

Nutella toast dead

 Complimentary tea

After which we headed to terminal21 which is famous for its design and concept. Different parts of the building will have a theme of a country. Even the toilets were designed so interestingly according to the theme. However, we really found nothing to shop there and stayed a mere 45minutes. Terminal 21 really had nothing so we went back to Pratunam for more shopping!

After the shopping, we rushed to Asiatique to catch our transgender show! Each ticket was roughly 50 bucks and it was seriously a waste of time! First 10 minutes was okay, but after that I just wanted to get out! We went to Saphan Taksin station and boarded the ferry from there. We recommend just going there to see the view and do not expect to buy much from there.
Asiatique night scene

Good place for pictures^^

We had dinner first at this place called Bhaan Thai, which was bit of fine dining but super overpriced and not worth it! 

Green Curry, Tom yum fish meat and basil pork

The spread *Rice was free flow*

Excited for our show!

Show tickets

Korean theme

Not very clear but thats Beyonce thai version

The show was really lacking and it was seriously a waste of time, it was a lip syncing musical. After the show, we walked around before heading back to the hotel. At Asiatique, there will be cab drivers taunting you for a ride back. Do not take them! Instead there will be a booth located near the taxi stand and for a fee of 20 baht, they will give u a cab driver that goes by metre. 

The cab driver that offered us 300 baht for a ride back. We declined and asked for 200 as we felt 400 was way overpriced. Thank god we found the queue for a metered cab! When we were in the queue he even approached us and offered 200 baht. I was like... sorry bro you seriously should have taken the offer. Luckily, we didn't because the cab was only 65 baht!! Ridiculously cheap! We retired early for the night so that we could wake up early for our much awaited breakfast at On Lok Yun.


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