Something new, simple and elegant

Hello I'm back!
Two posts in less than a week is definitely an achievement unlocked for me. I would only get the luxury to post this often when it is the holidays. I'm always thankful for the holidays as it gives me the time to do what I normally can't do. Besides having more time to update the blog, there's also more time now to explore new dishes. I'm glad that D&J can finally cook together again after so long. There's nothing better than cooking with your loved ones; it's one of the best feelings ever. 

On days when we decide to settle our meals at home, aglio olio would definitely be at the top of our to- cook- list most of the time. Not only it is possibly the least time consuming pasta dish to put together, but it could almost go well with anything due to it's naturally light taste. So far, we have attempted aglio olio with cereal chicken, squid, grilled tiger prawns and salmon. Today, we managed to whip up some agile olio topped with cereal prawns which tasted too amazing to not share! It was our first time trying this combination. As usual, it didn't disappoint us. 

Aglio Olio topped with pan- fried cereal prawns looking good.

D&J style prefers linguine over spaghetti, more garlic & less chili, and tons of olive oil for aglio olio.

We also added some over- fried garlic as one of our spices/ ingredients. These may be seemingly unattractive but it does major wonders. I would say it's more commonly found in more oriental dishes. But it definitely enhanced the whole flavour and brought out the best of our pasta!

Cereal prawns which looks 100x more appealing and appetising in real life.

And here's a short video clip to present the end result!

 Pictures of other awesome agilo olio combinations we've attempted:

1) Aglio olio topped with pan- fried salmon 

2) Aglio olio topped with frankfurter, calamari and prawns

3) Seafood agilo olio topped with tiger prawns & squid 

4) Aglio olio topped with cereal chicken

5) Or it could just be as simple as it is. And that is the beauty of agile olio. Simple, elegant and yet tastes good with almost any topping you want. Basically you just can't go too wrong with aglio olio. It is personally my favourite pasta of all time.

There are 101 variations to cooking aglio olio and we've shared our version. If you're interested, here's our detailed recipe for one portion of D&J aglio olio:

A handful of dried linguine pasta (Brand: San Remo)
1/3 cup good quality olive oil (Brand: Naturel)
1 chilli padi, chopped into small pieces
4 large garlic cloves, chopped into small pieces
basil leaves

Bring a large pot of water to boil. Add 6 teaspoons of salt.
Cook pasta once the water is boiled.
Drain the pasta after 8-10 minutes.

Meanwhile, in another saucepan heat oil to medium heat.
Add garlic and chilli padi, and cook for a minute or until edges turn brown. It is important not to burn the garlic, so stir frequently.
Add drained pasta to garlic/chilli padi/oil and toss well.
Take pot away from heat, add parsley, basil leaves & oil if you like.
Allow pasta to rest off heat for 5 minutes.
Serve warm.

"Make [Aglio Olio] simple and let things taste of what they are."

-Posted by Jeannette Qhek


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